
多德 - 弗蘭克法案

Conformity with Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, H.R. 4173, section 1502 on conflict materials

In July 2010 the ?Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform" and ?Consumer Protection Act (Wall Street Reform Act)" were put into effect. This reform imposes documentation- and publicity obligations to companies using certain materials to ensure that in our products no conflict material is used. The exact details can be read in section 1502 in the trade register (HR) 4173.

We received a lot of different kinds of questions and questionnaires on this subject from our customers with the request to make a statement concerning the origin of our used raw-materials. Since we are not able to handle all questionnaires individually, we want to confirm the following in writing.

As an importer and distributor STRACK NORMA GmbH & Co. KG is aware of the political explosiveness of the topic and stands up for the retraceability of the purchased minerals and for the transparency of the supply chain. We, as a distributor, cannot give a guarantee for this. But we feel us obliged to be sensitive to this topic. In our purchasing conditions this is included as a basis for a collaboration with our suppliers. The supplier is obliged to comply with this directive and to proceed the same way with his suppliers.

Thus, STRACK NORMA is assured that not materials such as for example coltan are used, which serve as a means to finance the armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo or an adjoining country.

STRACK NORMA doesn’t make direct imports of minerals or so-called ?conflict materials ". Thus, according to our current knowledge, no conflict material is used in our products.

Please be assured that we will continue to observe the further development on this legislation.

We hope, we could satisfy you with this statement concerning the subject conflict material.


Quality Management 03.2016

PDF-Conflict material concerning the Dodd-Frank-Act (42 KB)



Mr. Nicole Shum (岑永輝) 
大陸: +86 138 2357 5290
香港: +852 9029 9262

Mr. Jan Ng (吳國榮) 
大陸: +86 138 2335 2010
香港: +852 6941 2010